Change club
At David Lloyd Meridian
Change club
At David Lloyd Meridian:
Spa Treatments
Day Spa
Opening hours
Member's login

Health declaration

At David Lloyd Leisure, we understand that our members are individuals and choose to use the amenities at our clubs in different ways. We strive to keep our facilities up to date by consistently adding to and changing equipment we provide, and we are constantly working to ensure that our clubs are safe and maintained to the highest standard.

Members have their own individual level of experience when it comes to exercising. They each have responsibility for their own health, and exercise always carries its own risks.

For these reasons, we do not enforce a formal induction on all equipment prior to use of the club - we give our members the choice as to the level of instruction they receive, and when they takes place, dependent on their needs. David Lloyd Leisure staff are available at all times to answer any questions members may have, to offer advice, and to demonstrate how equipment should be used. With this in mind, we ask our members to declare their commitment to using the facilities at David Lloyd Leisure safety.


Only use equipment you know how to use safely. If you are unsure, seek advice from one of the David Lloyd Leisure team.

Make yourself aware of any rules and instructions as to how to use equipment, including all warning notices displayed, and follow them. This includes engaging all available safety features prior to use.

Exercise only within your capabilities and take care for your own safety.

Tell us if you have a medical condition which may impact on your ability to exercise safely - we can help design a programme which is appropriate for you (You should also consult your GP before exercising).

Let one of the David Lloyd Leisure team know immediately if you feel unwell while exercising - we have first aid equipment and trained staff on site at all times to assist.

I declare that I will follow the guidelines above when using the facilities at David Lloyd Leisure.

David Lloyd Meridian Spa & Fitness
Meridian Spa & Fitness Germany Wandsbeker Zollstr. 87-89 22041 Hamburg